Case Study: The Preston

Written By:
Shacoria Wilson
Shacoria Wilson is a Marketing Assistant at The Uptown Agency. She likes coffee, writing, and all things pink.
Feb 8 2018

Shooting a beautiful building is the easy part. Making that footage into a piece that helps to persuade people to leave the homes they’ve raised their families in for a smaller and simpler way of life—that’s the challenge. We embrace challenges as opportunities to create great work and alter consumer perceptions.
What we did.
Marketing Strategy

Shooting a beautiful building is the easy part. Making that footage into a piece that helps to persuade people to leave the homes they’ve raised their families in for a smaller and simpler way of life—that’s the challenge. We embrace challenges as opportunities to create great work and alter consumer perceptions.
“RBA (acquired by The Uptown Agency in 2024) has regularly exceeded our expectations on creative projects—regardless of medium. Their creative approach, commitment to process, and ability to deliver results make them a great partner for Provident Realty.”
- Kristen Steinbrecher, Marketing Manager, Provident Realty