CBRE and REGUS are both top global brands in commercial real estate, so when they announced their new coworking concept SPACES, you knew it was going to be best in class. SPACES is coworking done right – taking all the lessons we’ve learned about the way people work and designing the environment that people actually want.
Written By:
Shacoria Wilson
Shacoria Wilson is a Marketing Assistant at The Uptown Agency. She likes coffee, writing, and all things pink.

Jan 10 2017
Case Study: CBRE Spaces
What we did.
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CBRE has partnered with REGUS to roll out their SPACES coworking concept in the US. Educating property owners and dealmakers about coworking is a huge part of the challenge facing CBRE, so they hired RBA ( acquired by The Uptown Agency in 2024) to create this video spot to spread the good word and to compliment CBRE’s 2017 national case study on coworking.